protect yoUr hearing

At highway riding speeds a motorcyclist experiences wind noise levels exceeding 110 dB. This is as loud as a chainsaw at a distance of 1 meter, and can result in hearing damage even at short exposure times.

We at DAAL Noise Control Systems have developed a new Active Noise Control system - specifically designed for reducing wind noise, without interfering with important traffic sounds. Current Active Noise Control systems used in HiFi headsets are dependant on easily predictable noise, and simply doesn’t work for turbulent wind noise inside motorcycle helmets.
Our system uses a combination of loudspeakers, control unit, and press-button interface, delivering smart and seamless noise reduction integrated in the helmet, easily combinable with Bluetooth communication systems.

More than 4 million helmets are sold annually in the mid- to high-end segment, and 9 out of 10 motorcycle riders wants better noise reduction. Our unique technology and scalable business model represents a game changer in the market.
We want to help motorcyclists across the globe experiencing a safer and more comfortable motorcycle ride.
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